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Art and Design

Art and Design at Cherry Tree


At Cherry Tree Academy, we believe that Art and Design is a vital and integral part of every child’s education. Our curriculum provides a clear and comprehensive scheme of work that will show progression of skills that build year on year and allow children to develop a solid foundation to continue to progress. During each unit of work a final piece of artwork is produced to be displayed and/or shared.

At Cherry Tree Academy we aim to deliver an art curriculum that’s accessible to all. Children are inspired to explore their own personal development and creativity through engaging activities while expressing themselves in a non-verbal way. We are aware that participating in the arts contributes to a child’s mental health and well-being, so all children have the opportunity to be creative and express themselves freely.

We understand that art makes the world accessible. Children explore through a range of artists from all around the world and from a range of backgrounds, cultures and heritage. This promotes inclusion and diversity by exploring and celebrating similarities and difference between peoples, places and cultures. Our Art and Design curriculum is enriched with opportunities which include gallery visits, events and visitors in school.

The Art and Design curriculum at Cherry Tree Academy ensures that children have the best possible start in life and leave our school with a lifelong love of art, ready for the next stage in their education.

Subject Leader: Louise Gurtler

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