A proud member of

Academy Standards Committee

Waterton Governance Page


CTA Academy Standards Committee


We meet together, each term, as the Academy Standards Committee (ASC) (Governing Body), to discuss various aspects of the school’s management and organisation. From time to time, the ASC also establishes working groups to review and develop specific aspects of school policy. Each Governor undertakes a specific area of responsibility related to a particular area of interest such as safeguarding, SEND, curriculum, pupil progress, attendance etc.


Our school motto is “Growth and Excellence, Every Day”. This is about everyone – parents, staff, governors and the wider school community – working in partnership to ensure that every child can succeed and reach their full potential. To achieve this, and to carry out our role as governors effectively, we need to know what issues are important to you (so we remain responsive) and ensure that you know what issues the governors are discussing (so that we remain accountable).


Please visit the Trust website for key documentation, including the scheme of delegation and articles of association – click here


If you would like to contact Mrs B Cook, Chair of the ASC, please do so via the school postal address – Cherry Tree Academy, Cobblers Lane, Pontefract, WF8 2HN or via email to cherrytreeoffice@watertonacademytrust.org.

Keeping in touch

The website is a good way of keeping up to date with all aspects of school life. If you have a concern or a point of view to share, please come and speak to us. We are all contactable through school and are happy to discuss any issues or ideas you may have. There are lots of ways of sharing your views with us. As many of our governors are also parents of children at school, so we can often be found around at the beginning and end of the school day. We will also be arranging specific opportunities and times throughout the school year to hear from you and keep in touch. Alternatively, you can always leave us a note at the school office or drop us an e-mail to the school address and we will get in touch with you.

Becoming a Governor

Being a school governor is an important role but you do not need to have any particular skills, knowledge or experience to become a governor. What you need to bring is: a commitment to school life; the ability to work with others; patience and enthusiasm; a willingness to learn; a commitment to working openly and democratically; and, most importantly a willingness to spend what time you can offer getting involved in school life. The most important thing to note is that governors are a team, not a collection of individuals or groups with separate agendas. However much we may differ in our opinions and experiences we are united by our commitment to the school and the responsibility we share for its long-term success. In short, we have a common purpose.

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