A proud member of

The Local Offer

What is the Local Offer?

The Local Offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. Please click here for the Wakefield Local Offer – http://wakefield.mylocaloffer.org

Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.

The Local Offer provides information on a number of things, including:

  • Special Educational Provision
  • Health Provision
  • Social Care Provision
  • Other Educational Provision
  • Training Provision
  • Travel arrangements for children and young people to schools, colleges and early years education; and preparing for adulthood, including housing, employment and leisure opportunities.

Other relevant SEND policies, including Medial & Intimate Care, can be found here.

A copy of the School’s Complaint Policy can also be accessed via the Policies Page.

Any parents wishing to make an appointment, regarding SEND matters, please contact the School Office on 01977 704138.

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